Dakota had to pleasure two hung black dudes but she handled it like a true pro. She sucked them and let then pound her tight cunt before they jizzed all over her beautiful face.
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota had to pleasure two hung black dudes but she handled it like a true pro. She sucked them and let then pound her tight cunt before they jizzed all over her beautiful face.
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota walked in on her stepmom fucking some random dude in the livingroom. Courtney invited her stepdaughter to join in as she thought she could teach her a thing or two about sex. So she did and soon enough they had a sweet threesome going on!
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota has been slacking off in class lately and her grades have slowly turned to shit. So she seeked out her teacher after school and managed to get a deal with him that would take her grades to the next level.
He didn't expect her to offer sex and was shocked when she grabbed his crotch. He didn't stop her though and soon enough she was sucking on his large pole. He even got to tittybang her before he tapped her tight cunt on his desk.
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota finally introduced her friend Alli Rae to one of her hung black friends after months of begging. They sucked his penis together then they took turns getting drilled while licking each other's cunts. At the end he blasted both of their pretty faces with cum.
Watch the video from this scene here!
The story here is pretty special. These two guys were eating dinner with their daughters who were talking about sex the whole time. The dads got horny and decided to swap daughters! So soon enough they were banging a ripe teen pussy each!
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota wants to feel a big dick inside of her today and has heard rumours about a mansion where they fulfill young girl's wishes. All you have to do is to flash your boobies at the doorstep to be let in.
With a nice rack like Dakota's gaining access was no problem. She found her way to the sofa where she stripped off her clothes and fingered her pussy. That got attention and soon enough she was sucking on a stiff penis which later penetrated her moist punani.
Watch the video from this scene here!