Dakota had to pleasure two hung black dudes but she handled it like a true pro. She sucked them and let then pound her tight cunt before they jizzed all over her beautiful face.
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota had to pleasure two hung black dudes but she handled it like a true pro. She sucked them and let then pound her tight cunt before they jizzed all over her beautiful face.
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota finally introduced her friend Alli Rae to one of her hung black friends after months of begging. They sucked his penis together then they took turns getting drilled while licking each other's cunts. At the end he blasted both of their pretty faces with cum.
Watch the video from this scene here!
We've seen Dakota at Blacked a few times before but this time she brought a hot friend with her! Riley Reid is well-known for the regular porn surfer so she needs no introduction :)
This scene was fucking great and had a lot of variation. First some posing in their underwear before they went down on each other. The hung guy lurking in the background couldn't stand just watching them anymore so he tread out of the shadow and joined in.
His rod was so large that they had to take turns sucking it. They alternated when fucking him as well and at the same time the girls pleasured each other with cunilingus and anilingus. At the end he left Dakota with a creampie that dripped into Riley's open mouth. I told you this scene was great!
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota is back for a 2nd episode at Blacked and what better way to celebrate it than taking 2 huge black dicks!?
She strips off her sexy blue bikini then gets down on her knees between two hung black dudes. She pleasured them both with her mouth before she took their hands and escorted them to a nearby bed. Here she sucked off one guy while banging the other. When they were done with her they left her with a creampie and a facial!
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota was really excited about the meat she was pleasuring today; this dude was packing a monstercock! When the shock had weared off she put what she could fit of the penis in her mouth. She sucked it frantically before she let him penetrate her. He fucked her good and she rode him like a pro while he was fingering her butthole.
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota has hooked up with a horny black dude which turned out to have a huge fucking dong. She could barely fit the tip in her mouth but she gave him a blowjob nonetheless.
Her punani was wet as hell so he could penetrate her with ease. He nailed her good in all kind of positions on the couch then left her with a dripping creampie.
Watch the video from this scene here!