Dakota had to pleasure two hung black dudes but she handled it like a true pro. She sucked them and let then pound her tight cunt before they jizzed all over her beautiful face.
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota had to pleasure two hung black dudes but she handled it like a true pro. She sucked them and let then pound her tight cunt before they jizzed all over her beautiful face.
Watch the video from this scene here!
Dakota is back for a 2nd episode at Blacked and what better way to celebrate it than taking 2 huge black dicks!?
She strips off her sexy blue bikini then gets down on her knees between two hung black dudes. She pleasured them both with her mouth before she took their hands and escorted them to a nearby bed. Here she sucked off one guy while banging the other. When they were done with her they left her with a creampie and a facial!
Watch the video from this scene here!